Quality Assurance

To ensure the quality of the homeopathic services the Dutch Association of Classical Homeopaths (NVKH) was established. This is an association of professional homeopaths who provide high quality services based on knowledge and training in the field of classical homeopathy. Registration with NVKH is subject to strict regulations. Clients at the NVKH registered homeopaths can expect a thorough treatment according to the standards of the association and an independent complaints and disciplinary procedure, if needed. The clinic is also under the supervision of the Personal Data Protection Agency (CBP – College Bescherming Persoonsgegevens). This organization shall ensure that personal data is used carefully, are securely stored and that your privacy is guaranteed in present as well as in the future.
Complaints procedure
If you encounter issues in contact with me or during the treatment that you are not satisfied with, please discuss this with me first. If we cannot find a solution together, then as a healthcare professional I am affiliated with Quasir, the knowledge center for complaints, calamities and disputes for healthcare and welfare.
The NVKH invests in cooperation with all frameworks in health care, such as physicians , physiotherapists and midwives.
Livia Kuipers Jakovljevic is affiliated with:
Professional association of the Dutch Association of Classical Homeopaths (NVKH, www.nvkh.nl)
Foundation Register Professional Practitioners Complementary Care (RBCZ)
By meeting these quality requirements, many health insurers reimburse (partially) the costs if you have additional insurance (aanvullende verzekering).