Homeopathy is a holistic therapy that stimulates our natural self-healing ability. Homeopathy helps our system to heal from within. Homeopathy is a non toxic alternative and as such the most common of alternative therapies in the Netherlands, Germany and France.
How Homeopathy Works
Homeopathy is a holistic therapy that stimulates our natural self-healing ability. Holistic approach means that every human being is seen as unique and indivisible entity with it’s expression on several levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Furthermore, every human being operates within a system, and makes part of it: family, community, working environment, etc.
In homeopathy a person is treated at all levels and in relation to his / her environment. Homeopath has been trained to look at the whole person and to recognise the patterns and causes of the imbalance using the symptoms that manifest and the story of the client. This means among other things that two different persons with the same medical diagnosis, with different life story and different cause of imbalance, need different homeopathic remedies.
In homeopathy, the emphasis is not on the disease, but on what at each person is special and unique.
Principles of Homeopathy
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), German physician and chemist, is the founder of homeopathy. In 1796 he formulated the “Low of Similars” and over the following decades developed a new healing method that he called homeopathy. He described his healing method to the details in his “Organon of medicine.”
Homeopathy is based on several principles, including:
Homeopathy’s basic principle: The Law of Similars originally in Latin: “Similia similibus curentur”.
This means that every substance on Earth (plant, mineral, animal product) can cause in overdose its own unique set of physical, emotional and mental symptoms, called the homeopathic picture of that substance. It is also a common knowledge that individuals in state of disease, express their own unique physical, emotional and mental symptom patterns. Homeopathy is an art and science of discerning this individuality in every patient and determining the homeopathic medicine with the homeopathic picture that fit this precise pattern of the diseased person. When the two match and the medicine is administrated in a homeopathic doses, it often results in a very favourable effect of quick and mild healing in a natural way.
This principle has been known through the past centuries. It is mentioned by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, in the 4th century B.C. It has been used in practice and referred in writings by Paracelsus, a well known physician and alchemist from the 15th century. Hahnemann developed this principle into a usable healing method which he called Homeopathy.
Holistic approach and the importance of individualisation. A human being is a unique and indivisible entity with his body, mind and soul and his/her expression on several levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The physical symptoms are therefore observed and evaluated in correspondence with emotional and mental condition, lifestyle and family history. The goal is to bring people at all levels in balance so that the self-healing ability can regain its function.
Use of small doses and homeopathic potencies. A homeopathic remedy is prepared by a procedure of gradually diluting and shaking a preparation of a naturally occurring substance. This procedure is called potentising. The potentising eradicates the direct effect of the material substance (that is in some cases toxic). So toxicity and therefore side effects of homeopathic remedies are nil. On the other hand, due to the procedure of potentising, the non- material properties of the substance (vibration, information imprint) in the preparation increase. The thus obtained preparation is a kind of “information carrier”, that when administered according to the low of similars, gives the right information to our energy system so that it can heal itself.
Difference between homeopathy and herbal medicine
A commonly made mistake is to call homeopathy (or homeopathic remedies) a wide range of preparations based on herbal medicine. The homeopathy distinguishes itself from herbal medicine through the above mentioned principles. In herbal medicine, as well as in the conventional mainstream medicine, the remedy with the working properties against the complaint is applied. In homeopathy on the other hand, a remedy is sought, that according to the holistic approach, individualisation and the low of similars, stimulates the self-healing of the sick person. In this way, selected agent acts on the vital energy of the human being and stimulates healing from within.